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A long journey and a small sister

Ella fell asleep on me and we had a moment
Ella and I having fun
The first time Mom got to hold  Ella

My mom became pregnant with Ella last year. When Ella was growing in mom stomach, there was a bunch of crazy things going on. Mom's blood pressure was high so she went to the doctor's office and she was supposed to be on bed rest. So our uncle: Marc had to come be Mr.Mom. Well, her blood pressure was still high so they put her in the hospital. It was a tough time for all of us. But sometimes after school we would get to visit her.Well one time the doctors said that she that she was going to have the baby... that DIDN'T happen. So at school we have this special lunch for some good kids called terrific kids. Well Cayde got chosen and Mr.Mom come to sit with Cayde, when he was done with him he came over to were I was sitting and told me that mom, mom was actually going to have the baby. I was so excited I wanted to scream. Now she was supposed to have the baby on Feb. 9, 2012 but she was born Dec. 19, 2011. Ella stayed in the NICU for 5 weeks which felt like 5 months. One time mom took me to go see Ella before my guitar lesson. I was  shocked  to see how small she was!!!! She was adorable though.
           Months and months past on and now she is one. Instead of looking like a one year old she looks like a ten-month old. She is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One thing I learned is when a baby gets older always always hold her/him tight. Now that she is older I can make her laugh more, I can get her to sleep a little faster and we have a stronger relationship. Sometimes when I walk in the room she jumps up in excitement. I will never forget the time, I had to go to my guitar lesson I got out of the car and she started screaming! I just love her so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         The best sister I can ever have

Ans here is Ella's version of her story,
 jdhfvfhjhghfgvyhdfyuvhbhggghhhgfdsdfhhghmghgfdghghnbgffdddcxxzdgfhnnmbvvvcvddfjnhhbgbtvnbvcxnbbz cbngfvbnbvnbb bnbb b b b bbbbghbbgggbggggtggtyhmhzxtfdxedcrtvgbhnugvcerdcfgvtbhnjhgfdgvhndcrfgvbdcrfvgfghggyyghggghn x hnjmjmnm 6767brrtfyv656bb7y6uuriueygyuwcuiyfgyghcybubggygbyegtbecgbybgygbeygybwy wbweyeybwgywyxbygbwbxyvtxIUQKHIUWKAGEYGETYtycbyecgyqgbywegkuwegbukawbeygweyeybyeweytwfeygeuhiehbyugyweyugbwegyuqywtygqweuygwebywegcybwe FHUHNBGYU HFYUGH8  bbbbbbbbb000000000000000000004



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